Circa Riccardi

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Finora Riccardi ha creato 907 post nel blog.

Living the Word: Way to Unit

Morges, (Switzerland) October 29, 2002 Your Excellencies, Ecclesiastical Dignitaries, Ladies and Gentlemen, Friends, Brothers and Sisters, The theme I will develop today, “The Word of God”, is inexhaustibly rich and fundamentally important for all Christians, and I would say that it is especially so for us, members of the Focolare Movement, called by God to radiate – along with other modern ecclesial realities – a radical and authentic life of the Gospel. Text Video in italian

2021-08-15T23:29:39+02:0031 Gennaio 2012|

La Parola vissuta: via all’unità

Morges (Ginevra), 29 ottobre 2002 Attraverso alcune esperienze dei primi tempi del Movimento dei Focolari, frutto del Vangelo  vissuto nel quotidiano, Chiara Lubich racconta che cosa significa per lei la Parola di Dio.  {rokbox title=|La Parola vissuta: via all'unità :: Morges (Ginevra), 29 ottobre 2002| size=|561 350| thumb=|images/video/lubich_20021029.jpg|}{/rokbox}

2021-09-01T04:01:27+02:0031 Gennaio 2012|

Accendi una cellula viva

Roma 1978 Se ti guardi attorno, per certe città dove passi, rimani sgomento e ti pare che la realizzazione di una società cristiana sia lontana. Il mondo con le sue vanità sembra dominare… E diresti utopia il testamento di Gesù se non pensassi a Lui, che pure ha visto un mondo simile a questo e, al colmo della sua vita, è parso travolto da esso, vinto dal male. Anche Lui guardava a tutta quella folla che amava come se stesso, Lui, Dio, che l’aveva creata; ed avrebbe voluto gettare i ponti che dovevano riunirla come figli al Padre, ed unire fratello a fratello.  Era sceso per ricomporre la famiglia: far di tutti, uno. E invece, nonostante le sue parole di fuoco e di verità – che bruciavano il frascame delle vanità, e dissotterranti l’eterno che è nell’uomo – la gente, molta gente, pur comprendendo, non voleva capire e rimaneva con gli occhi spenti perché l’anima era oscura.E ciò perché li aveva creati liberi. Egli poteva, sceso dal Cielo in terra, redimerli

2021-08-31T02:02:08+02:0021 Gennaio 2012|

Light a Living Cell

Rome 1978 If you look around you in some cities you pass through, you are left dismayed and it seems to you that the realization of a Christian society is far off. The world with its vanity seems to dominate.... And you would call the testament of Jesus a utopia if you did not think of him. He saw a world like this too, and at the climax of his life he appeared to be overcome by it, defeated by evil. He, too, looked at all that crowd which he loved as himself. He, God, who had created it. And he would have liked to build the bonds which were going to bring them together as sons of the Father, and unite brother with brother. He came to bring the family together again: to make all one. Instead, despite his words of fire and truth – that burned away the happiness of vanity, uncovering the eternal that is in man – the people, many people, even though they understood, did not

2021-08-15T23:29:24+02:0021 Gennaio 2012|

Seek the things that are above…

Every year the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is held in many parts of the world from 18th to 25th January. Elsewhere it is celebrated at Pentecost. The motto for the Week of Prayer in 2012 refers to Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians (1 Cor. 15:51-58) and says ‘We shall be transformed because of the victory of Christ Jesus our Lord.’ The Word of Life for this month explores and comments upon this theme. Commetary on the Word of Life: If you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. (Col 3:1) Paul is speaking to the community of Colossae. A world exists, he says, where there reigns true love, full communion, justice, peace, holiness and joy. It is a world that sin and corruption can enter no more, a world where the Father's will is perfectly done. This is the world Jesus belongs to. He has opened it up for us with his resurrection, passing

2021-08-15T23:29:44+02:0031 Dicembre 2011|
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